curl \-H"Content-Type: application/json"\-H"Authorization: Bearer $PULZE_API_KEY"\-H"Pulze-Labels: {\"my_key\": \"my_value\"}"\-H"Pulze-Weights: {\"latency\": 0.8, \"cost\": 0.2, \"quality\": 0.9}"\-H"Pulze-Policies: {\"max_same_model_retries\": 1, \"max_cost\": 0.01, \"prompt_id\": <PROMPT_ID>}"\-d '{"model":"pulze","prompt":"Say this is a test","max_tokens":7,"temperature":0}'
Custom labels at are an extension of the label concept that allow you to add specific identifiers to your requests via Headers. These custom labels can be anything of your choosing and can be attached to any request, no matter the model being used. This flexibility makes custom labels a powerful tool for managing and analyzing your requests.
Note: Labels will be saved as a lowercased Dict[str, str]. Any other variable types or extra nesting will be stringified using Python’s str() method.
Just as you would with OpenAI’s user ID, custom labels can be used to identify unique users or applications. This can be particularly useful for monitoring usage and identifying potential abuse. By hashing a user’s username or email address, you can create unique identifiers without revealing any personally identifiable information.
If you are sending Pulze-Weights as well, but would like to store the values differently,
you can override that by sending keys with the format weights_*.
Whereas the Pulze-Weights will still decide which models get selected for you, the weights you send here
are the ones that will be stored.