User Roles and Permissions in Pulze Spaces

Pulze Spaces utilizes a Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) system to manage user permissions at both the Organization and Space levels. This system ensures that users have appropriate access to features and data based on their responsibilities within the platform.

You can determine which features your users can access by assigning specific roles and permissions within the platform. These settings can be configured when creating a new user on the Organization > Members or Space > Settings > Members page. Administrators have the ability to edit user roles and permissions at any time.

Organization Permissions

Organization-level permissions are divided into several categories, each with specific capabilities:

Viewer Permissions

  1. viewer:app

    • list_spaces: Ability to view all spaces in the organization
    • get_space: Ability to access details of a specific space
  2. viewer:members

    • list_org_members: Ability to view all members of the organization

Editor Permissions

  1. editor:app

    • create_space: Ability to create new spaces
    • delete_space: Ability to delete existing spaces
  2. editor:members

    • update_org_member: Ability to modify member details
    • invite_org_member: Ability to invite new members to the organization
    • resend_invitation_email: Ability to resend invitation emails
  3. editor:org

    • update_org: Ability to update organization details

Admin Permissions

  1. admin:members

    • remove_org_member: Ability to remove members from the organization
  2. admin:org

    • delete_org: Ability to delete the entire organization

Space Permissions

Space-level permissions are categorized into three main roles: Viewer, Editor, and Admin. Note that users with the Org admin:app role automatically receive admin permissions in all spaces.

Viewer Permissions

  • list_threads: View all threads in the space
  • get_thread: Access details of a specific thread
  • create_thread: Create new threads
  • continue_thread: Contribute to existing threads
  • update_thread: Modify thread details
  • list_labels: View all labels in the space
  • get_label: Access details of a specific label
  • list_data: View all data in the space
  • get_data: Access specific data items
  • download_data: Download data from the space
  • list_references: View all references in the space
  • list_space_members: View all members of the space

Editor Permissions

Includes all Viewer permissions, plus:

  • delete_thread: Remove threads from the space
  • update_models: Modify AI models used in the space
  • delete_data: Remove data from the space
  • update_data: Modify existing data
  • upload_data: Add new data to the space
  • create_label: Create new labels
  • delete_label: Remove labels from the space
  • update_label: Modify existing labels

Admin Permissions

Includes all Editor permissions, plus:

  • list_space_member_candidates: View potential members for the space
  • remove_space_member: Remove members from the space
  • regenerate_api_key: Create new API keys for the space
  • add_space_member: Add new members to the space
  • update_space_member: Modify space member details
  • delete_space: Delete the entire space

Important Note

Users with the Org admin:app role are automatically granted admin permissions in all spaces within the organization, giving them full control over all aspects of the platform.

By carefully assigning these roles and permissions, organizations can ensure that users have the appropriate level of access to Pulze Spaces, maintaining security while enabling productivity.